A new start

I recently started a new career in a totally different area. I left academia to work as consultant in the financial services. Life has changed a lot since then, and I've learned to start from scratch, given my zero-knowledge in the field. Life always has many surprises!


Physicist by education, I enjoy studying complex networks with tools from physics (statistical mechanics) and machine learning. I am a scientific programmer with real-world expertise in C/C++, Matlab and Python and the ability to learn very fast any new programming framework for data analysis. I like to tackle new problems that require mathematical modeling and advanced computational methods.

I’ve always been involved with scientific computation in general. In this last years, as a postdoctoral researcher, I’ve focused my studies in the complex interaction between the physics of machine learning, the complexity of large scale networked systems, and probability theory. All this theoretical stuff is always followed by numerical simulations, done with the latest Python libraries, and when necessary using C++ and their highly efficient compiled numerical libraries.

I am now working on computational models of brain fMRI activity exploiting the powerful theoretical machinery of complex networks.

This blog contains temporary results, vague ideas and notebooks that I collect during my daily work. For this reason, most of the content of this website is under construction, and mathematical contents are not complete, so please do not take it for granted.

My latest blog posts

My PhD studies

In my PhD I tackled the problem of modular structure identification in brain functional networks, from the point of view of complex networks. Complex networks theory offers a framework for the analysis of brain functional connectivity as measured by magnetic resonance imaging. Within this approach the brain is represented as a graph comprising nodes connected by links, with nodes corresponding to brain regions and the links to measures of inter-regional interaction. A number of graph theoretical methods have been proposed to analyze the modular structure of these networks. The most widely used metric is Newman's Modularity, which identifies modules within which links are more abundant than expected on the basis of a random network. However, Modularity is limited in its ability to detect relatively small communities, a problem known as resolution limit.
To read more, download my PhD thesis.

Contact me

I'm currently working at the Center for Neuroscience and Cognitive Systems of Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, hosted at University of Trento, in the city of Rovereto, Corso Bettini 31, Italy.