Eigenvectors from eigenvalues a numpy implementation
Recently a very nice article appeared on QuantaMagazine, that relates the eigenvalues of a matrix with its eigenvectors. The paper is explained in detail in the following arxiv paper
Here I provided a very simple and initial numpy implementation of this method, that is able to return the squared norm of the eigenvectors of any hermitian matrix
import numpy as np
def minor(A_,i):
Returns the j-th minor of a matrix A by removing its j-th column and row
A_: the input square matrix
j: the row and column to remove
n = A_.shape[0]
ix = list(set(list(range(n))) - set([i]))
return A_[np.ix_(ix,ix)]
def norm_squared_eig(A : np.array):
Returns the element-wise squared norm of the elements of the eigenvectors
of an hermitian matrix
A_: the input square matrix
|V(i,j)|^2 where V is the eigenvector matrix of A
n = A.shape[0]
if A.shape[0] != A.shape[1]:
return ValueError('Only applies to square hermitian matrices')
lambdA = np.linalg.eigvals(A)
V2 = np.zeros([n,n])
lambdaM = [np.linalg.eigvals(minor(A,j)) for j in range(n)]
for i in range(n):
lhs = np.prod([lambdA[i] - lambdA[k] for k in np.arange(0,n) if k!=i])
for j in range(n):
lambdaMj = lambdaM[j]
rhs = np.prod([lambdA[i] - lambdaMj[k] for k in range(0,n-1)])
V2[i,j] = rhs/lhs
return V2
You can test this wonderful computational trick against the result of the eigenvectors from numpy
import numpy as np
# Creates an hermitian matrix
X = np.random.random([10,10])
X = X+X.T
# compute its correct eigenpairs
lambdX, Vx = np.linalg.eig(X)
# Compute the absolute difference of the elements from the
# function norm_squared_eig
np.abs(norm_squared_eig(X) - Vx.T**2).sum()
You can check that the result is pretty good, with a nice numerical precision.
I want to extend this function to the application of the numpy.linalg.eigvalsh function, the order of the eigenpairs has to be considered though in this case.
It’s not simply replacing np.linalg.eig
with np.linalg.eigh
because while eigh
returns the eigenpairs sorted by the magnitude of the eigenvalues, eig
does not.
A simple illustration that shows the meaning of matrix minors and eigenvalues, as in our case: