Here we describe a way to perform scalable changepoint detection on grouped time series data by using PySpark and the rupture library. from typing import List import numpy as np import pandas as pd from pyspark.sql import DataFrame as SparkDataFrame from pyspark.sql.types import * import pyspark.sql.functions as F import ruptures as rpt def changepoint_detection( df: SparkDataFrame, time_col: str, value_col: str, group_cols: List[str], breakpoint_col:str="BREAKPOINTS", breakpoint_default:int=0, breakpoint_active:int=1, kernel_model:str="rbf", penalty:float=0.01, ): """ Performs a grouped changepoint detection on individual time series, denoted by the pair (time_col, value_col) Runs the rupture off line changepoint detection algorithm df: SparkDatFrame The dataframe to work on time_col: str The column representing the datetime value_col: str The name of the series to segment group_cols: List[str] The grouping variables on to which perform rupture segmentation separately breakpoint_default: int (default 0) Value when there is not breakpoint breakpoint_active: int (default 1) Value when there is a breakpoint kernel_model: str Rupture kernel for the internal segmentation model penalty: float Regularization penalty, the larger the penalty the less the number of breakpoints """ schema = df.schema new_schema = StructType( [field for field in schema ] + [StructField(name=breakpoint_col, dataType=IntegerType(), nullable=False)] ) @F.pandas_udf(returnType=new_schema, functionType=F.PandasUDFType.GROUPED_MAP) def changepoint_algorithm(pandas_dataframe: pd.DataFrame): A = pandas_dataframe[[time_col, value_col]].sort_values(by=time_col) a,b = A[time_col], A[value_col] y = pd.Series(data=breakpoint_default, index=a.index) y.iloc[ np.array( rpt.Pelt(model=kernel_model).fit( A[].astype(float).values.reshape(-1,1) ) .predict(pen=penalty) # penalty factor ) - 1 # because breakpoint indices are 1 to N ] = breakpoint_active return pandas_dataframe.assign(**{breakpoint_col: y}) return ( df .groupBy(*group_cols) .apply(changepoint_algorithm) ) # Example usage of the function, here we order by client and time to check for the results correctness ( changepoint_detection( df=df_bonifici_mensile, time_col="DATE", value_col="MEAN", group_cols=["GROUP"], breakpoint_active=500, kernel_model="l2", penalty=5E5 ) .orderBy("GROUP", "DATE") .display() )