Here are some very basic function with self-explanatory name, to be coded in Scala for a super beginner. Some of them are very inefficient, pay attention to use them, they are only for demonstration.

1. Find the last element of a list

def last[T](xs : List[T]) : T = xs match
	case x :: Nil => x by defition the last element has Nil after
	case h::t => last(t)
	case _ => throw new NoSuchElementException

2. Find the first element of a list

def first[T](xs : List[T]) : T = xs match
	case head :: tail => head
	case _ => throw new NoSuchElementException

3. Find the last but one

def lastButOne[T](xs : List[T]) : T = xs match
	case x :: y :: Nil => x
	case h :: t => lastButOne(xs)
	case _ => throw new NoSuchElementException

4. Find the k-th element of a list

def kthElement[T](xs : List[T], k : Int) : T =
	def _kth(xs : List[T], acc : Int) : T=
		if (k==acc) xs.head else _kth(xs.tail, acc + 1)
	_kth(xs, 0)

5. Find the number of elements of a List

def length[T](xs : List[T]) : Int =
	def acc(xs : List[T], i : Int) : Int = xs match {
		case Nil => i
		case h::t => acc(xs.tail, i+1)
	acc(xs, 0)

6. Reverse a list

Simple solution:

def reverse[T](xs : List[T]) : List[T] =
	xs apply xs.length to 1 by -1

Procedural solution:

def reverse[T](xs : List[T]) : List[T] =
	def _reverse[T](res : List[T], rem : List[T] ) : List[T] = rem match {
		case Nil => res
		case h::t => _reverse(h::res, tail)
		case _ => throw new NoSuchElementException
	_reverse(xs, )
def reverse[T](xs : List[T]) : List[T] =

7. Find out wheter a list is palindrome

def isPalindrome[T](xs : List[T]) : Boolean =
	xs == reverse(xs)

8. Flatten a nested list structure

	def flatten(xs: List[_]): List[Any] = xs match
		case Nil => Nil
		case (head: List[_]) :: tail => flatten(head) ::: flatten(tail)
		case head :: tail => head :: flatten(tail)

9. Eliminate consecutive duplicates of list elements

	def filterDuplicates[T](xs : List[T]) : List[T] = xs match
		case Nil => Nil
		case h::List() => List(h)
		case head::tail if (head == tail.head) => filterDuplicates(tail)
		case h::tail => h::filterDuplicates(tail)

10. Pack consecutive duplicates of list elements into sublists

	def pack[T](xs : List[T]) : List[T] = xs match {
		case Nil => Nil stop condition

		case _ => throw new NoSuchElementException