The air500 network is the adjacency matrix of the largest 500 airports in the world. Unfortunately the original network provided in the had no latitude/longitude information. However the IATA names where available. I wanted to apply some models of network connectivity on this network, which features a large enough number of nodes as well as a nice organization.

I wrote a simple Python script to fetch the distances between the 500 airports in this network. The script is based on the database provided at

I used Python and the geopy package to compute the distances between airports with the best resolution.

    import numpy as np
    import pandas as pd
    import geopy.distance

    # Read the airports.dat database as obtained from OpenFlights database
    df_air = pd.read_csv('airports.dat',header=-1)
    # Here I just changed the IATA code of Hyderabad from HDD to HYD
    # and fixed the DOHA missing IATA

    Air500names = open('air500names.txt').read().split('\n')[0:-1]
    # create the distances matrix, set -1 as default value
    dij = -np.ones([len(Air500names),len(Air500names)])

    # Check if Air500 list
    for s in Air500names:
        if s not in set(df_air[4]):
            print(s,'not existent!')

    # Create the distance matrix, based on geographical distance in kilometers

    for i,airport_iata_i in enumerate(Air500names):
        iata_i = np.where(df_air[4]==airport_iata_i)[0][0]
        print('Progress %.2f' % float(100.0*i/len(dij)) )
        for j,airport_iata_j in enumerate(Air500names):
            if j > i:
                    iata_j = np.where(df_air[4]==airport_iata_j)[0][0]
                    coord1 = df_air[6][iata_i], df_air[7][iata_i]
                    coord2 = df_air[6][iata_j], df_air[7][iata_j]
                    dij[i,j] = geopy.distance.vincenty(coord1,coord2).km
    dij = dij + dij.T
    np.savetxt('Air500_dist.txt', dij, delimiter=' ')