The Enhanced weighted random graph model (EWRG)
The ensemble of maximally random weighted graphs with the constant average number of edges and total weight.
In this article I will try to apply the statistical mechanics formalism to a not completely known model of random graphs, the Enhanced Weighted Random Graph model (EWRG). In this model one tries to find the probability distribution of a graph ensemble, constraining on the observed total weight and number of edges. In other words, the constraint on the number of edges tries to keep the topology fixed, while the constraint on the total weight selects with higher probability graphs having the same total weight as the observed one. The application of both constraints results in a graph probability based on a mixed statistics for the probability of observing an edge between two nodes.
Here I will show how the EWRG model can be obtained starting from no other than first principles, thanks to the method, originally introduced by Jaynes.
The goal of this derivation is to choose a probability distribution such that networks that are a better fit to observed characteristics, are accorded higher probability in this model.
The maximum entropy method
Let $G \in \mathcal{G}_{EWRG}$ be a graph in the set of graphs of the EWRG and let $P(G)$ be the probability of that graph within this ensemble. We would like to choose $P(G)$ so that the expectation value of each of the expected number of edges $\langle L \rangle$ and the expected total weight $\langle W \rangle$ within that distribution is equal to its observed value. In other words that:
\langle W \rangle = W^{\star} \
\langle L \rangle = L^{\star}
This is a vastly under-determined problem in most cases, since the number of degrees of freedom in the definition of the probability distribution is very large compared to the number of constraints imposed by our observations. Problems of this type however are commonplace in statistical physics. The best choice of probability distribution is the one that maximizes the Gibbs entropy $S(G)$:
\begin{equation} S(G) = - \sum \limits_{G \in \mathcal{G}} P(G)\log\left( P(G) \right ), \end{equation}
which must be subject to the above described constraints and to an obvious but necessary normalization condition:
\begin{equation} \sum \limits_{G \in \mathcal{G}} P(G) = 1 \end{equation}
Here we have to introduce three Lagrangian multipliers $\alpha,\beta_m,\beta_w$ and solve a new minimization problem where the Lagrangian function has now the form:
\begin{aligned} L(G) = - \sum \limits_{G \in \mathcal{G}} P(G)\log\left( P(G) \right ) + \alpha \left(1-\sum \limits_{G \in \mathcal{G}} P(G) \right) +& \beta_m \left( \langle L \rangle - \sum \limits_{G \in \mathcal{G}} m(G) P(G) \right) +\nonumber \\ &\beta_w \left( \langle W \rangle - \sum \limits_{G \in \mathcal{G}} w(G) P(G) \right) \end{aligned}
or equivalently and more explicitly:
\begin{aligned}\label{eq:lagrangianweighted} L(w_{ij}) =& - \sum \limits_{{ w_{ij} }} P(w_{ij})\log\left( P(w_{ij}) \right) + \alpha \left(1 - \sum \limits_{{ w_{ij} }} P(w_{ij}) \right) \\ &+ \sum \limits_{{ w_{ij} }} \beta_m \left( \langle L \rangle - \Theta(w_{ij}) \right) + \sum \limits_{{ w_{ij} }} \beta_w \left( \langle W \rangle - w_{ij} \right) \end{aligned} where $\Theta(x)$ is the Heaviside function, that has value $1$ for any $x>0$ and $0$ otherwise. This is needed to include the topology of the network and not only the information on the weights. The Lagrangian has to be extremized for all graphs $G$, which consists to set the derivatives with respect to the probability $\nabla_{P(G)}=0$. Solving the corresponding system of equations, one gets:
\begin{equation} \label{Eq:log_p}\log P(G) + 1 + \alpha + \beta_m m(G) + \beta_w w(G) = 0 \end{equation}
or equivalently:
\begin{equation} \label{Eq:exp_log_p}P(G) = \frac{e^{-H(G)}}{Z(G)} \end{equation}
where \begin{equation} Z(G)=e^{\alpha+1} = \sum_{G \in \mathcal{G}} e^{-H(G)} \end{equation} is the partition function, and $H(G)$ is the problem hamiltonian. It is now clear the origin of the problem Hamiltonian, that reads:
\begin{equation}\label{Eq:ewrg_hamiltonian} H(G) := \sum_{ i< j} \beta_m \Theta(w_{ij}) + \beta_w w_{ij}. \end{equation}
Summing over all possible realizations of a graph in the EWRG ensemble, helps us to compute the partition function $Z$, which in this case is simple to write down explicitly:
Z(G) = &\sum \limits_{G \in \mathcal{G}} e^{-H(G)} = \sum \limits_{G \in \mathcal{G}} e^{- \sum \limits_{i < j} \beta_m \Theta(w_{ij}) + \beta_w w_{ij} }\nonumber \\ = & \sum \limits_{G \in \mathcal{G}} \prod_{i < j} e^{-\beta_m \Theta({w_{ij})} - \beta_w w_{ij}} = \prod \limits_{i < j} \sum \limits_{{ w_{ij}=0 }}^{\infty} e^{-\beta_m \Theta({w_{ij}}) - \beta_w w_{ij}} \nonumber \
= & \prod \limits_{i < j} \left( 1 + \sum \limits_{{ w_{ij}=1 }}^{\infty} e^{-\beta_m \Theta({w_{ij}}) - \beta_w w_{ij}} \right)
We now introduce a smart variables substitution to help us with the calculations. We denote $p_m:=e^{-\beta_m}$ and $p_w:=e^{-\beta_w}$. With this change of variables we can rearrange the partition function $Z$ as:
\begin{equation} Z(G) = \left( 1 + \frac{e^{-\beta_m}}{e^{\beta_w}-1} \right)^{\binom{n}{2}} = \left( \frac{ 1 - p_w + p_m p_w}{1-p_w} \right)^{\binom{n}{2}} \end{equation}
which will become useful later on. The probability of a graph $G$ with weighted adjacency matrix $\mathbf{W}={ w_{ij}}$ in the Enhanced Weighted Random graph model is then:
\begin{equation} P(\mathbf{W}) = \frac{e^{-H(G)}}{Z(G)} = \prod \limits_{i < j} \frac{p_m^{\Theta(w_{ij})} p_w^{w_{ij}}}{Z(G)} \end{equation}
As a first application of these calculations we can obtain the values of the observables by means of the derivatives of the free energy. The free energy is simply defined as minus the logarithm of the partition function $F=-\log(Z)$:
\begin{aligned} F = -\log(Z) = -\binom{n}{2}\log \left( 1 + \frac{e^{-\beta_m}}{e^{\beta_w} - 1} \right) \\ = \binom{n}{2} \log \left( \frac{1-e^{-\beta_w}}{1-e^{-\beta_w} + e^{-\beta_w-\beta_m}}\right) \end{aligned}
which again does not depend on node-wise quantities, but is instead a quantity related to the graph itself. With the substitution as before ($p_m, p_w$) we get:
\begin{aligned} F = \binom{n}{2} \log \left( \frac{1-p_w}{1-p_w + p_m p_w} \right) \end{aligned}
The expected number of edges in the EWRG model is obtained as:
\langle L \rangle &= \frac{\partial F}{\partial \beta_m} = \frac{\partial F}{\partial p_m} \frac{\partial p_m}{\partial \beta_m} = \binom{n}{2} \frac{p_m p_w}{1-p_w+p_m p_w} \
\langle W \rangle &= \frac{\partial F}{\partial \beta_w} = \frac{\partial F}{\partial p_w} \frac{\partial p_w}{\partial \beta_w} = \binom{n}{2} \frac{p_m p_w}{(1-p_w) (1 -p_w + p_m p_w)}\end{aligned}
From these two equations is evident that the average number of links and average total weight in the EWRG ensemble are related, indeed we see that: $(1-p_w) \langle W \rangle = \langle L \rangle.$ In the case $p_w=0$, we recover the correspondence between expected total weight and expected number of edges. To determine the specific parameters $p_m$ and $p_w$, we need to solve the system of the two constraints that we have set in:
\begin{aligned} \label{eq:constraints_system} \langle L \rangle = \binom{n}{2} &\dfrac{p_m p_w}{1-p_w+p_m p_w} = L^\star \\ \langle W \rangle = \binom{n}{2} &\dfrac{p_m p_w}{(1-p_w)(1-p_w + p_m p_w)} = W^\star\end{aligned}
The solution of the system in gives the values of $p_m$ and $p_w$:
p_m &= \frac{(L^{\star})^2}{(\binom{n}{2} - L^\star)( W^\star - L^\star)} \
p_w &= \frac{W^\star-L^\star}{W^\star}
The form of $p_m$ tells us that this is the ratio between the square of actual number of edges $(L^\star)^2$ and the product of the non-edges $\binom{n}{2}-L^\star$ times the discrepancy between the total weight and the actual edges $(W^\star-L^\star)$. Differently from the simpler WRG model, where $p_m$ was obtained as $2W^\star/(n(n-1)+2W^\star)$, here we have to account both for topology and weights into the edge picking probability.
Graph probability in the EWRG model
Within the EWRG model, the probability to get a link with weight $w \in [0,w^\textrm{max}]$ between node $i$ and $j$ is irrespective by which pairs of nodes are considered and is given by: $\label{Eq:qijewrg} q_{ij}(w) = \dfrac{e^{-\beta_m \Theta(w) - \beta_w w}}{\sum_{w=0}^{w^\textrm{max}} e^{-\beta_m \Theta(w) - \beta_w w}} = \frac{p_m^{\Theta(w)}p_w^w}{\sum_{w’=0}^{w^{\textrm{max}}} p_m^{\Theta(w’)} p_w^{w’}}$ which, for simplicity, in the limit $w^\textrm{max} \rightarrow +\infty$ becomes: $\label{Eq:qijewrg2} q(w) := \lim_{w^\textrm{max} \rightarrow +\infty} q_{ij}(w) = \frac{p_m^{\Theta(w)}p_w^w}{\sum_{w’=0}^{w^{\textrm{max}}} p_m^{\Theta(w’)} p_w^{w’}} = \frac{p_m^{\Theta(w)}p_w^w(1-p_w)}{1 -p_w + p_m p_w}$ Hence, the probability to observe a graph with a certain weighted adjacency matrix $\mathbf{W}^\star = { w_{ij}^\star}$ is described by the product of the probabilities over all undirected pairs of nodes, taking into account also the edge weight: $\label{eq:ewrg_probability} P(\mathbf{W}^\star) = \prod \limits_{i < j} q(w_{ij}).$ From we see that the probability to sample and edge with a given weight $w$ is described as the ratio of two terms. In the numerator we find the geometric distribution of edge weights, which can be interpreted as the probability described by a series of $w$-successes, after the first failure happens, multiplied by a factor indicating the presence of the edge. At the denominator of instead the term is more difficult to interpret.
The constraint on both the topology and on the total weight, imposed by the Lagrangian multipliers $\beta_m,\beta_w$, slightly modified the edge picking probability of the simpler WRG probability which was only proportional to a term $q(w) = p_w^w(1-p_w)$. The $q(w)$ described here is a particular case of a more general model described in [@Garlaschelli2009a], where the hidden variables are set as constants, in particular the variables $x_i x_j=e^{-\beta_m}:=p_m$ and $y_i y_j=e^{-\beta_w}:=p_w$. It is interesting to see that even if the edge picking probabilities $p_{ij}$ and the weights probability $q_{ij}$ are independent, the observables carry a dependence on both of them which can not be unentangled.
The $q(w)$ distribution of has the form of the generalized Bose-Fermi mixed statistic. If we allow for only binary weights, in other words $w^\textrm{max}=1$, we retrieve the Fermi-Dirac statistic. When $w^\textrm{max} \rightarrow \infty$ instead the distribution tends to the Bose-Einstein statistic.
This distribution applies to any system described by an Hamiltonian as in, where there constraints on both topology and weights are imposed, and it represents the probability that each node pair is populated by $w$ links. Even if multiple occupations are allowed, like for bosons, the first occupation number is necessarily binary like for fermions.
In order to get the probability that node $i$ and node $j$ are topologically connected (to with any possible weight), we need to calculate the complementary probability that an edge of weight $0$ exists:
\begin{equation} \pi(w) := \lim \limits_{w^\textrm{max} \rightarrow \infty} p_{ij}(w) = \lim \limits_{w^\textrm{max} \rightarrow \infty} 1 - q_{ij}(0) = \frac{p_m p_w}{1-p_w+p_m p_w} \end{equation}
Expected values of the observables
With the correct form of the null models for the topology $p_{ij}$ and the weights $q_{ij}$ we can derive the expected values of the observables, namely the degree, the weight of any edge and the strength of the model (in the limit $w^\textrm{max} \rightarrow \infty$):
\begin{aligned} \langle k_i \rangle &= \sum_{j=1,j\neq i}^n p_{ij} = (n-1)\left ( \frac{p_m p_w}{1-p_w+p_m p_w} \right) \end{aligned}
\begin{aligned} \langle w_{ij} \rangle &= \sum \limits_{w>0} w q_{ij}(w) = \frac{p_m p_w}{(1-p_w) (1-p_w +p_m p_w)} \end{aligned}
\begin{aligned} \langle s_i \rangle &= \sum \limits_{j} \langle W \rangle = (n-1)\frac{p_m p_w}{(1-p_w) (1-p_w +p_m p_w)} \end{aligned}
These estimates are very useful when evaluating the probability of a graph given the EWRG ensemble. It is possible to estimate the variance of the expected variables. The variance of the expected weight is:
\begin{equation} \textrm{Var}(w) = \langle w_{ij}^2 \rangle - \langle w_{ij} \rangle^2 = \frac{p_m p_w (1 + p_w^2(p_m -1) )}{(1-p_w)^2 (1 - p_w + p_m p_w)^2} \end{equation}