In these section we’ll address in depth an approach to making sense of the mesoscopic structure of a network by means of non-deterministic methods. We will take advantage of the methods of statistical physics and treat with ensembles of partitions to assess the statistical significance of community structure.

Stochastic optimization methods

Many problems related to clustering, like graph partitioning and community detection, are very often NP-hard problems Fortunato (2010). In this case, deterministic algorithms can be used only for very small systems, but on larger instances, greedy approximation heuristics are necessary tools to provide insightful solutions. Stochastic optimization methods are a class of heuristics that introduce randomness in the search process to accelerate the optimization and escape local minima of complex objective functions.

Even when the underlying structure of the data is precise and well-defined, like the problem of finding the community structure on regular graphs, non deterministic algorithms can accelerate the search process and make it less dependent on modeling errors if considered on a number of independent runs and their results averaged.

Non-deterministic nature of approximated methods implies that final partitions may be different, particularly when the search space exhibits many uncorrelated local optima, a phenomenon that is more acute when the network structure is far from the community detectability threshold [Zhang (2014), Good (2009)].

Indeed, the set of multiple local optima partition obtained with non deterministic methods is identified in statistical physics as the set of replicas solutions, as shown in Figure [fig:replica_landscape]. Many levels of structural information are encoded in the replicas. They encode the effects of noise in the search process and intrinsic scales of modules [Ronhovde (2009)]. Availability of a set of replica partitions, greatly extends the knowledge on the network structure. It provides a view on network structural instabilities (i.e. vertices oscillating between communities over the replicas, due mostly to stochastic effects) and on recursive hierarchies.

The study of the information-theory-based correlations of replicas, allows to assess the quality of candidate solutions, and to compare them to a ground-truth, where available. It’s worth noting that the very efficient community detection algorithm of Ronhovde and Nussinov [Ronhovde (2009)] directly looks for that subset of highly similar replicas as a way to justify the existence of community structure. They identify the dominant solution as that described by the set of replicas with the stronger correlation. This representative solution is selected as that where stochastic effects introduced by non-deterministic optimization methods are negligible and therefore provides a robust and statistically reliable view on the mesoscopic structure of the network.

A sketchy illustration of optimization in community detection problems. The landscape of the quality function, is depicted as the blue sheet, where the bumps represent its local optima. Replicas are the colored marble, particular configurations of the landscape. They are correlated via the represented springs, the stronger the spring the higher the correlation.

Measures for replica correlation

The existence of a multitude of replica solutions gives raise to the problem of comparing partitions. The most well-grounded and performing metrics are rooted in information theory [Cover (2012)]. The Normalized Mutual Information [Danon (2005)] and the Variation of Information [Meila (2007)] are the most widely used, despite it has been recently found that both of them suffer of systematic errors due to the finite size of the network [Zhang (2015)]. In the rest of the discussions we ignore the limitation of finite size effects, by only working with relatively large networks.

Normalized Mutual Information (NMI) and Variation of Information (VI) assume that clustering comparison is a problem of message decoding. Implicit in this, is the idea that if two partitions are similar, inferring one partition from the other needs very little information.

Let us consider two generic partitions \(\mathcal{X}=(X_1,X_2,\ldots,X_{n_x})\) and \(\mathcal{Y}=(Y_1,Y_2,\ldots,Y_{n_y})\) of a graph \(\mathcal{G}\) with \(n_X\) and \(n_Y\) communities respectively. We indicate with \(n\) the number of graph vertices, with \(n_i^X\) and \(n_j^Y\) the number of vertices in communities \(X_i\) and \(Y_j\), and with \(n_{ij}\) the number of vertices shared by clusters \(X_i\) and \(Y_j\), \(n_{ij}=| X_i \cap Y_j|\).

Let us also consider the community assignments \(\{ x_i\}\) and \(\{ y_i\}\) for partitions \(\mathcal{X}\) and \(\mathcal{Y}\) respectively; we treat the labels \(x\) and \(y\) as values of two random variables \(X\) and \(Y\) with joint distribution \(P(x,y)=P(X=x, Y=y) = n_{xy}/n\), which implies that \(P(x)=P(X=x)=n_x^X/n\) and \(P(y)=P(Y=y)=n_y^Y/n\). The mutual information is then defined as \(I(X,Y)=H(X) - H(X|Y)\) where \(H(X)=-\sum_x P(x) \log P(X)\) is the Shannon entropy of \(x\). The mutual information itself is not very useful, because hierarchically splitting the clusters in \(X\) would produce no change in the prior \(H(X|Y)\) and partitions with different hierarchies of the same clusters, would go unnoticed. This observation led [Danon (2005)] to define normalized mutual information as \(\textrm{NMI}(\mathcal{X},\mathcal{Y}) = \frac{2I(X,Y)}{H(X)+H(Y)}\) Similar to NMI is the Variation of Information [Meila (2007)],

\[\textrm{VI}(\mathcal{X},\mathcal{Y}) = H(X|Y) + H(Y|X)\]

which, has the desiderable property that it defines a metric on the space of the partitions and it’s a distance. It is also a local measure, i. e. the similarity of partitions differing only in a small portion of a graph depends on the differences of the clusters in that region, and not on the partition of the rest of the graph.

As noted by Karrer [Karrer (2008)] VI is upper-bounded by a \(\log(n)\) factor, so a simple normalization brings it in the \([0,1]\) range. Importantly, VI is zero for maximally equal partitions and \(1\) for mostly dissimilar, a inversely to NMI.

What we are going to address in detail in the next paragraphs is a community detection method that practically implements the replica problem and is intrinsically stable and robust, able to approximate the actual mesostructure of the graph better than the direct application of a single algorithm, which we have shown to be affected by a multitude of problems.

Consensus clustering

Consensus clustering is the generic term to indicate a class of methods that mitigate the variability effects of non-deterministic algorithms in data clustering and that deliver a solution representing a median over a set of partitions. In general consensus algorithms obtain stable results out of a set of partitions produced by stochastic methods. In this approach, a consensual community is identified as a subset of vertices that are frequently sharing the same cluster through many independent replicas. In this respect it’s important to stress that consensus clustering does not provide partitions with better quality functions, but instead it looks for the partition mostly similar to all others.

In fact, consensus clustering implicitly changes the paradigm of community detection. While traditionally methods seeks for best quality partitions, consensus clustering looks for the consensual partition, i.e. the one where the overall probability that vertices are coclustered is higher.

The constituting element of consensus clustering is the consensus matrix \(\mathcal{P}\in \mathbb{R}^{n\times n}\), where every elements counts the number of times that vertices \(i\) and \(j\) are clustered together over the total number of independent replicas. Implicit in the usage of the consensus matrix is the fact that, if multiple runs of a community detection algorithm agree that a subset of nodes belong to a community, then this is surely more significant than what found by a single run.

An illustrative example that show the convenience of consensus clustering is a graph \(\mathcal{G}\) consisting of two partially overlapping cliques \(\mathcal{C}_1,\mathcal{C}_2\), as illustrated in Figure [fig:consensus_cliques]. For such simple graph, a non-deterministic community detection algorithm will produce solutions where the vertices in-between the two cliques will be sometimes assigned to \(\mathcal{C}_1\) and sometimes to \(\mathcal{C}_2\). Consensual combination of all these partial solutions, can detect the connector vertex as the intersection of two overlapping communities and as a source of potential instability in the network.

A widely used approach for consensus community detection in networks is the one of Lancichinetti et al. The method is iterative: firstly the consensus matrix is built from \(n_p\) repetitions of some non deterministic algorithm \(\mathcal{A}\) and then, iteratively \(\mathcal{A}\) is run on progressively thresholed consensus matrices till convergence is established.

A clustering algorithm \(\mathcal{A}\) that supports weighted graphs is in order, because it must run on the weighted consensus matrix until it turns into a block-diagonal matrix, whose elements are \(1\) for vertices in the same block and \(0\) for vertices in different blocks. The authors show numerically that convergence is guaranteed in a few (typically 50) iterations. A high level description of the algorithm of Lancichinetti is given in the following Algorithm.

  1. Apply \(\mathcal{A}\) on \(G\) \(n_p\) times to get \(n_p\) partitions

  2. Compute the consensus matrix \(P\) where \(P_{ij}\) is the average number of times that vertex \(i\) and \(j\) are clustered together.

  3. Set to zero all entries of \(P\) under a chosen threshold \(\tau\)

  4. Apply \(\mathcal{A}\) on \(P\) \(n_p\) times to get \(n_p\) partitions.

  5. If all partitions are equal stop, otherwise go to step 2 and reiterate.

Crucial to above described method is the choice of the threshold parameter \(\tau \in [0,1]\) applied at every iteration to keep the consensus matrix relatively sparse. Lancichinetti empirically finds that the choice of \(\tau\) is dependent on the specific algorithm \(\mathcal{A}\) and typically, when \(\mathcal{A}\) is the Louvain method Blondel et al., a value of \(\tau \approx 0.4\) suffices to ensure convergence in \(~50\) iterations.

Another study of Campigotto [Campigotto 2013] on consensus clustering shows that consensual communities appear in a large range of the threshold parameter \(\tau\), and that consensus based approaches allow to distinguish graphs with real community structure from graphs where communities arise just as finite size effect or random fluctuations.

Quantification of the consensus matrix allows one to better define functional clusters of a network as subsets of tightly connected vertices which are clustered together most of the times and to find out which vertices are more probably part of two different communities or act as communities connectors, switching from one community to the other. Consensus matrix allows to extend classic community detection to the problem of overlapping communities, if one

The seemingly easy approach of the consensus matrix, presents some difficulties though.

A first question that may arise is at which level should one consider two nodes to be in the same community, or equivalently, the problem of selecting the threshold \(\tau\). The approach of Lancichinetti exploits the convergence of the consensus matrix that is only empirically guaranteed. Wheter \(\tau\) and \(n_p\) can be selected a-priori depending on the network and algorithm intrisic properties, is still an open question.

Comparing community structure in graphs

A large number of functions for comparing similarities and differences between partitions of a network have been proposed in the past. They are used to provide quantitavely a number that tells how two partitions are similar. Usually the result is normalized in the \([0,1]\) range, being towards \(1\) for very similar clusterings and toward \(0\) when mostly dissimilar. These metrics are adopted especially in the benchmarking of community detection methods, when the specific outcome of some algorithm is compared with a ground truth partition, usually a-priori determined.

In this respect, we stick to the widely used “Normalized Mutual Information” (NMI), but we want also want to focus more locally on similarity of single communities between two assignments. It’s worth noting that the majority of the aforementioned metrics do not take in consideration comparison of pairs of communities between two partitions, but they insist on finding overall similarity.


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